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Tea of the month: Turkish Apple Tea
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Work for the NHS? Have some Tea on us!
Tea of the Week: Turkish Apple Tea

Oolong Tea

Oolong Tea is a combination Black Tea and Green Tea. Oolong Tea is made from Camellia sinensis that is partially fermented. The processing consists of several steps; withering, rolling, oxidation and drying. The fermentation process occurs whilst the tea leaves are at the withering stage. But where Black Tea is 100% fermented, Oolong Tea’s fermentation is only ± 20-60% while Green Tea scores an exceptional 0%! This degree of oxidation gives Oolong Tea a broad spectrum of its characteristic taste- the grassy and unique flower like-aroma. The withering of Tea leaves under direct sunlight or even artificial light, allows the ultraviolet to produce those characteristic volatiles with potent odorants, making its flavour woody, jasmine and rose floral.

In comparison to Black Tea, Oolong tea has a more complete catechin antioxidant compound. However, other antioxidant compounds such as theaflavins and thearubigins are not found in Oolong tea. But like Green Tea, Oolong tea is able to decrease body fat content and reduce body weight by improving lipid metabolism due its plant-polyphenol compounds. A study of Oolong tea from Koyoto University also suggests that consuming either one or two cups of Oolong tea per day can prevent Type 2 diabetes. The Phenolic compound in Oolong tea is also responsible for removing free radicals and controlling our body from potential heart problems, and cholesterol issues. Remarkably, it also has the ability to protect skin cells and slow down the ageing process!